History of the company

1958 year

The largest industrial organization in Brest is Stroytrest No. 8. It includes a plant of reinforced concrete products.

1964 year

The plant of reinforced concrete products was withdrawn from Stroytrest No. 8 and transferred to Stroyindustria Republican Special Trust No. 23.

1967 year

Stroyindustria Republican Special Trust No. 23 was renamed in Spetsmontazhindustria Industrial Complex.

Март 1969 year

The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR "On the Improvement of the Organization and Management of Permanent Construction in the Republic" was adopted. Soon the topic was additionally developed in the Resolution of the Government of the Republic No. 260 "On the Creation of House-Building Industrial Complexes in the system of the Ministry of Industrial Construction of the BSSR" dated July 25, 1969.

Декабрь 1969 year

According to the order of the Ministry of Industrial Construction of the BSSR No. 603 dated January 1, 1970, the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex was established in the city over the Bug. Boris Mikhailovich Bortsov was the first director of the industrial complex, before that he was the head of the Precast Concrete Plant.

1971 year

The Brest House-Building Industrial Complex put into operation 46.9 thousand square meters of housing.

1972 year

47.4 thousand square meters of housing were commissioned.

1972 year

According to the order of the Ministry of Industrial Construction of the BSSR No. 41 dated February 11, the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex was withdrawn from the structure of Stroymontazhindustria Industrial Complex and reassigned directly to the Ministry of Industrial Construction of the BSSR. Thus, the decisive role of the enterprise in the formation of the housing facilities of the city was recognized.

1973 year

The Brest House-Building Industrial Complex reached its designed capacity and even exceeded the task, having built almost 54 thousand square meters of housing in total.

1974 year

The modernization of the Precast Concrete Plant began, the existing technological equipment was modernized, and 8 more molding units were additionally manufactured and installed. The production capacity of the Precast Concrete Plant increased by 16 thousand cubic meters of prefabricated structures per year, which in equivalent meant an increase in the "output" of finished housing to 100 thousand square meters.

1974 year

By the next anniversary of the October Revolution, the 100th large-panel house produced by the Precast Concrete Plant of the House-Building Industrial Complex was commissioned.

First quarter 1975 year

The manufacture of a new series of houses BR 464A was started, for the sake of which the modernization was carried out in 1974. The design solutions were based on bays with four apartments on the staircase. The bays could be used to assemble not only five-storeyed buildings but also nine- and twelve-storeyed buildings.

Spring 1975 year

The first nine-storeyed large-panel residential building was commissioned in the Vostok-2 microdistrict of Brest.

1975-1976 year

In 1975-1976 the city of Brest received from the staff of the industrial complex over 140 thousand square meters of total housing area.

1976 year

A subdivision for the installation of sanitary equipment installation was created in the enterprise.

1977 year

The Industrial Complex made a production breakthrough – the annual performance amounted to 83,174 square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings."

1978 year

The Industrial Complex made a production breakthrough – the annual performance amounted to 83,174 square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings.

Late 1970s

At the end of the 1970s, the installation from transport vehicles began to be used on a daily basis at the facilities built by the plant. Thus, temporary warehouses of the main large-sized parts have practically disappeared at construction sites. This was achieved due to the development of relevant documentation, in particular, installation cards. With the introduction of cards, panel trailers brought parts to the sites in a strict technological sequence, in accordance with a pre-established schedule.

1982 year

The Ministry of Industrial Construction of the BSSR made a fateful decision for the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex to build a second large-panel house-building plant. According to the order No. 291 dated September 17, 1982, another structure was formed within the enterprise – the directorate of the plant under construction.

1983 year

The development of the first of the 12 planned micro-districts with the abbreviation "SEMD" (southeastern microdistrict) has begun. Thus, a start in life was given to a vast residential area, which later acquired the more euphonious name of Kovalevo (after the suburban village that existed here).

1984 year

The personnel of the plant for the first time overcame the milestone of 100 thousand square meters of total housing area, having commissioned 105,119 square meters. This has never been achieved by any organization in the history of Brest civil architecture.

1 january 1985 year

Large-Panel House-Building Plant 2 with the capacity of 120 thousand square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings was put into operation for the production of houses of the 111-90 series on the basis of a single Belarusian catalog. Two-module external wall panels with an improved external heating system were used for the first time. The products of the new plant were first accepted by the Quality Control Department, after which they were presented to the State Quality Control.

1985 year

In 1985 the staff of the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex put into operation more than 126 thousand square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings. During these years it was planned to build 2 more large-panel house-building plants in Baranovichi and Pinsk, each with a capacity of 120 thousand square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings, which would reduce the volume of cargo transportation of large-panel house-building structures and products which were delivered from the plants of Brest and, accordingly, the cost of construction in these cities. Unfortunately, with the collapse of the USSR, the fall in funding and, accordingly, the volume of housing construction, these plans were not destined to come true.

23 january 1986 year

On behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, the employees of the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex was awarded a commemorative sign "For High Efficiency and Quality of Work in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and was honored to be included to the All-Union Board of Honor of the All-Union Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR (Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR).

9 july 1986 year

By the order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a large group of leading and ordinary workers of the plant were awarded orders and medals for outstanding performance. The head of the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex Konstantin Mikhailovich Pechko awarded the Order of the October Revolution was among the awardees.

1986 year

Large-Panel House-Building Plant 2 was gaining capacity, its presence in the industrial complex affected every month. Commissioning schedules for housing have rushed up. There was a breakthrough, which had not yet been observed: 165 thousand square meters!

1987 year

In 1987 the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex achieved a truly historic result presenting to the city over the Bug, Pinsk and Baranovichi more than 215 thousand square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings. It was a brilliant victory.

1 january 1988 year

By the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR No. 384 the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex was renamed into Brestzhilstroy Design and Industrial Construction Association of Industrial Housing Construction. This association was a single production complex, which included two large-panel house-building plants, Production and Processing Equipment Department, Mechanization Department 148, Project Management Department, specialized plumbing and electrical installation sites and six construction and installation areas.

1989 year

Brestzhilstroy Design and Industrial Construction Association of Industrial Housing Construction has built 222,537 square meters of total turnkey residential area!

1989 year

The millionth square meter was commissioned.

1989 year

A new administrative building of Brestzhilstroy Design and Industrial Construction Association of Industrial Housing Construction at 362 Moskovskaya Street (now it is 11 Gozdetsky Street) in Brest.

1990 year

All construction and installation works (Brest, Pinsk, Baranovichi) of the enterprise put into operation 204,202 square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings.

January 1992 year

By the resolution of the Supreme Council of the BSSR on the reorganization of the construction industry and the decree of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR No. 214, Brestzhilstroy Design and Industrial Construction Association of Industrial Housing Construction was reassigned to the Belbud Belarusian State Industrial Construction Corporation.

1992 year

A total area of 138 thousand square meters of large-panel houses was commissioned. Difficulties with financing and the unrestrained growth of the cost of cement, metal, and other materials affected the enterprises much more than one might have expected. In general, the enterprises of the Ministry of Industrial Construction experienced a deep industrial decline.

1994 year

Due to the official renaming, the words "Design and Industrial Construction Association of Industrial Housing Construction" disappeared from the name of the enterprise and it became simply Brestzhilstroy Association. Some time later by the decision of the Government of the Republic, the Association was withdrawn from Belbud Corporation, subordinating it to the newly created Ministry of Architecture and Construction.

1995 year

In 1995, the General Director of Brestzhilstroy Association, Konstantin Mikhailovich Pechko, was transferred to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee; Leonard Iosifovich Butskevich was appointed General Director of the association, who for many years held the position of Chief Engineer of the enterprise.

May 1997 year

Valery Fedorovich Rogovtsov has been appointed General Director of Brestzhilstroy Association.

2000 year

By the order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction No. 493 dated November 3, 2000, Brestzhilstroy Association was renamed into Brestzhilstroy Republican Unitary Production and Construction Enterprise.

2001 year

The enterprise tried to export services. The first facility on the territory of the Russian Federation was built for gas producers in Urengoy. The unit of the Purtazovskaya compressor plant with a rotational village. In short terms an administrative building, a maintenance block, etc. were erected, clearly fulfilling the terms of the contract and allowing timely commissioning of linear facilities of the Zapolyarnoye – Novy Urengoy gas pipeline.

2002 year

Brestzhilstroy Republican Unitary Production and Construction Enterprise could not reach 10 thousand square meters of the total area of ​​housing commissioned. In order to survive the enterprise was simultaneously engaged in the reconstruction of various buildings and sports facilities, built manor-type houses, participated in the construction of facilities in the countryside, gas stations, etc.

2003 year

By the order of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 93-rp dated April 1, 2003, Brestzhilstroy Republican Unitary Production and Construction Enterprise was transferred from republican ownership to municipal ownership of the Brest region and renamed into Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Production and Construction Enterprise (Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise).

2005 year

Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise regained more than a quarter of the Brest new housing market, once again becoming one of the leaders.

2005-2016 year

The period 2005-2016 occupies a special place in the history of Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise. In this decade the enterprise retained all signs of a full-fledged association, made a leap into the future in terms of technical and economic side of its activities. Due to the correct assessment of the situation, definition of a development strategy and hard work of the entire team, it was possible to reach a completely different level of work. Changes took place in the conditions of a real struggle for orders, search for new partners, financing schemes, direct sales of separate facilities and finished apartments. In other words, in conditions of a mature market and growing competition.

2005-2016 year

During these years Brestzhilstroy was building not only standard housing:

  • an emergency medical center of the Central City Hospital was put into operation;
  • Dynamo stadium was modernized.
2005-2016 year

The enterprise actively participated in the implementation of the State Program for the Development and Revival of Villages in 2005-2010.

8 december 2008 year

Aleksandr Ivanovich Romanuk became the Head of the enterprise.

2008 year

Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise received the certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of ISO 9001 standard in the field of "Design and Construction of Buildings and Structures, Production of Structures and Products of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete".

August 2009 year

3.5 millionth square meter of housing had been commissioned since the foundation of the Brest House-Building Industrial Complex.

2009 year

In 2009 the share of the enterprise for new housing commissioned in the regional center reached 35 percent (more than 90 thousand square meters).

April 2009 year

By the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, amendments were made to the State Comprehensive Program for the Development of the Material and Technical Base of the Construction Industry for 2006-2010, according to which Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise had to start producing 150 thousand square meters of total area of ​​residential buildings in 2011. Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise found itself in the most difficult position in relation to other house-building industrial complexes of the republic, where the reconstruction of production facilities started much earlier. The specialists of the enterprise comprehensively studied similar experience in the reconstruction of house-building industrial complexes and the choice of modern technologies for the manufacture of precast concrete in Mogilev, Bobruisk, Mozyr, Gomel, Soligorsk, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg. Simultaneously with the increase in production capacity, our enterprise had to master the production of a new series of houses, since the old 90 series of large-panel houses no longer met modern requirements.

2009 year

By order of Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise, Belpromproekt Unitary Enterprise developed a project “Reconstruction of the Large-Panel House-Building Plant of Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise" which presupposed the construction of 2 new molding spans with dimensions of 24 x 144 m. The pace of reconstruction of the large-panel house-building plant of Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise can be judged by the following dates.

29 october 2009 year

A capsule was laid in the first foundation of the columns of the new workshops in a solemn ceremony, and before the onset of negative temperatures all foundations of new workshops were mounted.

15 march 2010 year

The first chain of new workshops was assembled.

3 november 2010 year

New workshops were presented to representatives of the German company EBAWE for equipment installation.

24 december 2010 year

The first truck from Germany with equipment manufactured by EBAWE arrived at the large-panel house-building plant.

17 january 2011 year

German specialists began installation supervision of two processing lines for the production of exterior wall panels and solid floor panels, and since August 2011 they have been operating in working mode.

2011 year

In 2011 the production of concrete parts of the old 111-90 series of large-panel houses was completely discontinued and practically without stopping production Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise switched to the production of houses of the new series. In order to complete the construction of houses of the old series, a technological stock was created, which was placed in advance in warehouses for finished products and on-site warehouses.

2011 year

In 2011 Brestzhilstroy held 45 percent of the Brest new housing market and successfully operated in the region. The total number of houses built for the villagers reached 357. In addition, the enterprise built a number of commercial and industrial facilities, for example, a fish sorting point in the village of Gusak (Malorita district).

2012 year

In 2012 all new houses were assembled from parts and structures of the new 90M Br series.

2012-2013 year

During 2012-2013 the enterprise carried out the reconstruction of Nadzeya Sanatorium Complex in Zhabinka district. At the same time, four dormitories and a dining room were completely updated, and a new building was erected.

2013 year

In 2013 the specialists of Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise carried out major reconstruction of Busni-1 Dairy Farm for Rogoznyanskiy Agricultural Production Cooperative in Zhabinka district.

2014 year

The reconstruction of an industrial-type building was carried out, which eventually was turned into a shopping center of Belita-Vitex.

2014 year

123,550 square meters of total housing area were built.

2015 year

The reconstruction of a historical facility of category "0" (highest), a complex of barracks of the 30th regiment of light artillery of the Polish army, located on the Northern Island of the Brest Fortress, was performed.

2015 year

105,476 square meters of total area of housing were commissioned.

2016 year

Brickwork and monolithic works of the football stadium for the World Cup in Kaliningrad were performed.

March 2017 year

A sub-division Gantsevichy Large-Panel House-Building Plant was created.

April 2017 year

An affiliated branch was established in the Republic of Poland.

2017 year

5-storeyed residential buildings in Gusev were built.

February 2018 year

The first 16-storeyed multi-apartment residential building was put into operation.

March 2018 year

Certificates of conformity of production control for 4 types of reinforced concrete products were received.

2018 year

Modernization of Brest Large-Panel House-Building Plant (application of Italian product manufacturing technologies).

2018 year

In situ concrete works at a combined heat and power plant in Kaliningrad.

March 2019 year

Supply of products for the construction of a single-apartment two-storeyed residential house in Stockholm (Sweden)

April 2019 year

Kobrindrev Production Department was created

September 2019 year

The first energy efficient house was put into operation on Kolesnik Street.

2019 year

Construction of facilities dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Brest

2020 year

In 2020 Brestzhilstroy Utility Unitary Enterprise celebrated its 50th anniversary.

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