Energy Efficiency Leader 2016
The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the republican professional competition “Energy Efficiency Leader – 2016” was held on October 14 at the State Institution “Museum of the History of the City of Minsk”.
The purpose of the Competition is to identify and popularize worthy energy-efficient solutions, products, systems and technologies used in various sectors of the economy – energy, industry, construction, etc. Since this year, this is a Republican competition for an award for achievements in the field of energy-efficient products and technologies. And in order to become a winner, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the members of the Expert and Supervisory Boards.
The Councils include representatives of leading research institutes, centers, departmental ministries, committees, departments of the country (State Enterprise Institute of Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, RUE BelTEI, BNTU, RUE Glavgosstroyexpertiza State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus, etc. .), as well as experts from the UN Development Program.
Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Brestzhilstroy” has always paid great attention to the promotion of energy efficient production and technologies. And it is considered one of the best enterprises in the field of energy efficiency. The proof of which is the Diploma received in the category “Energy efficient building”.