Dedication of young professionals – 2020!
On November 1, the already traditional annual event “Dedication to Young Professionals” took place. On this day, graduates of higher educational institutions, for which Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Brestzhilstroy” became the first workplace, get to know each other and the enterprise.
This year 4 specialists came to our company:
- Volkovich Alesya – engineer ;
- Savchuk Natalia – engineer;
- Matyuk Polina – master;
- Negerish Victoria is an accountant.
Traditionally, the first meeting with young specialists was held in the office of the General Director. Alexander Ivanovich Romanyuk spoke about how the enterprise with a half-century history developed, about the leaders, about the people who contributed their labor to the prosperity of the Brestzhilstroy Municipal Unitary Enterprise. I remembered the history of my labor activity, what it was like before the general director of KUP “Brestzhilstroy”.
Alexander Ivanovich wished the young specialists fruitful work, expressed confidence that the friendly and close-knit team of the enterprise would accept and become truly dear to them, and also presented them with memorable gifts.
Young specialists have assured that they will justify their confidence by a responsible attitude to their work, improving their practical and theoretical knowledge.
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The further way passed through the 2nd workshop of the KPD plant, where the chief engineer of the plant Valery Aleksandrovich Stasyuk spoke in detail about the technology of manufacturing floor panels and external wall panels.
Chief Engineer of the UPTK Alexander Vladimirovich Dedok led the tour of the UPTK base. Young specialists saw a window shop, a sawmill, a tinting shop, a metal door shop.
Next Deputy Head of the Department of Education Igor Aleksandrovich Zelenin saw the specialists in the shops, spoke about the equipment and people working at the base.
Then the young specialists were greeted by the construction project “Multi-apartment residential building with a built-in-attached kindergarten (KPD-126) on Kolesnika street”. In the recent past, the young specialist himself, foreman Kirill Klimchuk spoke in detail about the work carried out at the facility, and also answered questions of interest.
We sincerely congratulate the girls on such an important day in their lives and wish them successful work and activity in public life, because young cadres are new knowledge , youthful enthusiasm, activity of thought and deed.