Beauty and grace contest “Miss Brestzhilstroy-2020”
On October 1, within the walls of the assembly hall of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Brestzhilstroy”, a beauty and grace contest “Miss Brestzhilstroy-2020” was held. The competition was attended by 4 beautiful representatives of the female half. It is difficult to call the girls representatives of the “weaker” sex, since in the competition they had to sing, dance, do needlework, read poetry, and parade in evening dresses.
For two hours of the participants’ performance, the competent jury managed to consider the talents of the girls and determined the winner, who was awarded the title “Miss Brestzhilstroy” – this is Anna Kozhanenko. Also received their awards: “Miss Grace” – Alina Rib, “Miss Charm” – Irina Lukashevich, “Miss Femininity” – Vera Zhesko, “Miss People’s Choice” – Irina Lukashevich.
Congratulations to our beauties!
Beauty pageant winner
Beauty contestants