What do you need to conclude a contract for shared housing construction?
Will the price of an apartment under construction change during the construction period?
Is it possible to use a bank loan to pay the cost of an apartment?
How much work will be done in the apartment by the moment of its commissioning?
How much work will be done in common areas by the moment of their commissioning?
Who will own the stairwells between apartments, the technical floor?
Is it possible to make redevelopment at the construction stage?
Is it possible to visit the construction site of a multi-apartment building and get acquainted with the construction progress?
Where is a multi-apartment residential house transferred for service after commissioning?
Is the apartment number and floor determined by drawing lots?
Is it possible to change the area of ​​an apartment during construction?
Since when does the shareholder bear the costs of utility bills?
Is it possible to terminate the shared construction contract at the request of the shareholder?
How to register ownership of an apartment?
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